261. Rights, legal empowerment, and poverty : an overview of the issues / Dan Banik -- The political economy of legal empowerment of the poor / Arjun Sengupta -- Legal empowerment as a new concept in development : transforming good ideas into global action / Mona Elisabeth Brøther -- Constitutionalism in an insurgent state : rethinking legal empowerment of the poor in a divided Bolivia / John-Andrew McNeish -- Poverty, legal activism, and development in rural China / Susanne Brandtstädter -- The access to justice challenge in Uganda / Donald Rukare -- Legal empowerment and the right to food / Marc Cohen and Mary Ashby Brown -- Are Africans cul
پدیدآورنده : edited by Dan Banik.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

262. <The> crisis of global environmental governan
پدیدآورنده : 20090527 0
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

263. The pornography of poverty : a cautionary fundraising tale / Bette Plewes and Rieky Stuart -- An imperfect process : funding human rights--a case study / Mona Younis -- Transformational development as the key to housing rights / Steven Weir -- Human rights INGOs, the north-south gap : the challenge of normative and empirical learning / Bonny Ibhawoh -- Dilemmas facing INGOs in coalition-occupied Iraq / Lyal Sunga -- Human rights in action : supporting human rights work in authoritarian countries / Birgit Lindsnaes, Hans-Otto Sano, and Hatla Thelle -- Driving without a map : implementing legal projects in China aimed at improving human rights / Sophia Woodman -- Normative compliance and hard bargaining : China's strategies and tactics in response to international human rights criticism / Sun Zhe -- Defending economic, social and cultural rights : practical issues faced by an international human rights organization / Kenneth Roth -- Thinking through social and economic rights / Neera Chandhoke -- Amne,BL
پدیدآورنده : edited by Daniel A. Bell, Jean-Marc Coicaud. ,20090527
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

264. The ubiquity of ethics in international relations -- International ethics : thick or thin? -- Taking the ethical turn -- Social practices, actors and ethics -- Power, politics and ethics -- The primacy of ethics -- Understanding international relations in ethical terms -- War in Iraq understood in ethical terms : the Baker Hamilton report and other interpretations -- Global ethical practices -- The anarchical society of sovereign states -- The anarchical society of civilians : global civil society -- Ethical incoherence : individual rights versus states' rights -- Rights and sovereignty : reframing the tension -- The ethical underpinning of double anarchy -- Ethical transformation in a double anarchy -- Migrants in world politics -- Assessing humanitarian intervention -- Assessing globalization -- Understanding torture in international relations -- Global terrorism understood in ethical terms -- The threat of self destruction in civil society -- The threat of self destruction in the society of sovereign states -- Defending anarchies. ,Includes bibliographical references and index. 0
پدیدآورنده : Mervyn Frost. ,Steven Morewood.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

267. f-sultanmuham
پدیدآورنده : edited by Rafael Reuveny and William R. Thompson.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

268. f-sultanmuhamad,BL
پدیدآورنده : edited by David Dyzenhaus. ,Michael Ruse.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

269. 9780521855181 (hbk. : alk
پدیدآورنده : 20090526
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

270. Includes bibliographical references and index. 0
پدیدآورنده : edited by María Estela Brisk.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

274. t. 1. Armi� a︡nskai� a︡ rukopisnai� a︡ kniga VI-XIV vekov20
پدیدآورنده : [sostaviteli i avtory teksta V.O. Kazari� a︡n, S.S. Manuki� a︡n].
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

277. مشکاه الانوار
پدیدآورنده : al-Ghazali ; a parallel English-Arabic text translated, introduced, and annotated by David Buchman.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :